About Me

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i am simple and i am real.this has been my story,and yours too.sometimes,i don't get quite as far as where i wanted.but hey,the journey was always fun.i've learnt a thing or two along the way too.that's what count's right?one thing's for sure,i'll keep setting the bar higher and higher.and i don't have to apologize for being myself. (:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

peristiwa hari raya 2010


free pose. sexayy!
candid! :D
yeah.aku suka raya tahun nie.first dapat jugak balik kampung ibu ku.kelantan.memang susah gila nak balik sana.mcm mcm hal berlaku.tapi alhamdulillah overall semuanye okeh and berjalan dgn lancar.walaupun berlaku sedikit kemalangn di kelantan,nasib baik takda pape berlaku ;D yup mesti ade hikmah.(itu yang selalu aku ingatkn dlm diri aku) first of raya,spending my whole time and 4 weeks at kelantan.sangat best. :) yang funny nye,sampai ada sedare mara tak kenal kitorunk dah.yelah,mana taknye.last jumpa mase kecik je sume.ahah budak hingusan lagi.ngeh ngeh. and the next week raya.spending di rumah makwan ku bersama keluarga belah ayah. :D gila lah.tapi sangat happening.macam hari raya pertama je rasenye.

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